As Occupational Therapists we see children W-sitting frequently. Children who w-sit tend to have extremely flexible hip joints, and in many situations, have weak tummy and back muscles. Sitting in this manner provides them with stability when they sit and play on...
This link came across our facebook newsfeed and was posted by an Occupational Therapist as an example that all beings have sensory needs and preferences. I thought it was cute and fascinating and had to share with our families! see link: “orphaned...
It’s so great to come across so many inspirational stories. I sometimes wonder whether this would be possible without the internet. This story highlights the idea that finding your talent and vocation, be it paid or not, supports quality of life. Quality of...
Here is another article that talks about the benefits of handwriting versus keyboarding. Physically forming letters facilitates letter recognition which impacts reading skills, improved working memory, and improved ability to generate creative writing. For further...
My husband has told me that I need to stop reading the Toronto Star on the weekend. There is always at least one article that reduces me into happy tears. This weekend was no exception when I read this article about an adult with Autism who has found meaningful work...
This TED talk by Stephen Tonti not only shares a supportive approach to learning for children with cognitive differences, but it also, in my professional opinion, shares the foundation for how all Occupational Therapists and Educators should teach. Every child learns...