What is Auditory Defensiveness?

By: Jessica Kalen, OTA & PTA Diploma Program Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning All posts are reviewed by a supervising Occupational Therapist. Toronto Children’s Therapy Center is appreciative of the time and research, placement...

What is a Sensory Diet?

The term “diet” can be stereotyped as dietary restrictions, a definitive nutrition program or a tool to impede weight gain. However, a “Sensory Diet” does not fall into any of these categories. A sensory diet is a carefully designed, personalized activity plan that...

5 Tips for Enjoying Halloween with Sensory Challenges!

Halloween is that fun time of the year when we decorate our homes with cute…but scary Halloween decorations in an attempt to scare anyone who dare walk up to your door.  Decorations may include  flashing lights, fake spider webs, ghosts in the dirt, along with...

Benefits of playing with Jigsaw Puzzles and Lego Blocks

Ten activities to improve your Toddler’s development! Benefits of playing with Jigsaw Puzzles and Lego Blocks   Among others, a common childhood past time was spending hours creating, immersed in an imaginary world with little building Lego Blocks. Nowadays,...